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People said about me

"It feels like we're not watching a story, we're watching a statement" - about Real People

_Ryan Gunderson, Score Composer, 2017

"Adele was a top notch student. On time, prepared, enthusiastic, worked well with other students, lead effectively, and took feedback maturely and professionally. Her level of work was that of a professional level. A pleasure to teach."


_Neil Bull, professor at Goldsmiths College, 2014

Adele's collaborative skills are basically very strong. You strike a good balance between personal vision and the willingness to trust the contributions of your collaborators and this makes you a strong team player. 


_T. Harrison, professor at UAL LCC, 2016

Adele's determination to get things right and the willingness to take on board collaborators input does her and her work great credit. 

It's to Adele's great credit that her collaborators have spoken so well of her.


 _K. Fried, course leader at UAL LCC, 2016

Adele's determination to get things right and the willingness to take on board collaborators input does her and her work great credit. 

It's to Adele's great credit that her collaborators have spoken so well of her.


 _K. Fried, course leader at UAL LCC, 2016

"One of the best student pieces I've been a part of" about The Greedy Pig Show

_ Lisa Grant, actress, 2016

" [Adele is] Aware and able to meet most standards required of relevant profession in simulated or real professional situations.

May work well in a team, provide effective leadership, and demonstrate a well rounded profile working alone."


_Ian Liggett, professor at UAL LCC, 2015

" [Adele is] Aware and able to meet most standards required of relevant profession in simulated or real professional situations.

May work well in a team, provide effective leadership, and demonstrate a well rounded profile working alone."


_Ian Liggett, professor at UAL LCC, 2015

"Absolutely first class!"


_Linda France, professor at Goldsmiths College, 2014

" You display a very mature critical eye over your own work, with thoughtful, intelligent analysis of your images, not just technically, but more importantly conceptually and philosophically. "


_Damian Owen-Board, 

professor at Goldsmiths College, 2014

"Greedy Pig Show. Abrasive, confrontational social satire about TV entertainment and erosion of personal ethics - fuelled by visual verve, especially on the design front, and a palpable intensity of moral rage."


_K. Fried, D. Salter, I. Liggett, 

professors at UAL LCC, 2016

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